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Membership Options 

The IYCBC offers various Membership options with varying levels of benefits. Currently, our membership types include Full, Social,
Honorary and Lifetime Membership.

Our Membership year is October 1st to September 30th
Membership dues are payable on October 1st


Full New Membership - $100 Initiation + $150 Annual

Voting Member

Any person 19 years of age or older, of good moral character, and an owner or part owner of a boat.


Social Member Initiation fee - 

Social Annual Membership - $50

Non-Voting Member

Any person 14 years of age or older and of good moral character. Full owners or part owners of yachts are not eligible to become Social members.


Honorary Membership -No fee

Non-Voting Member

The Board of Trustees may, on an annual basis, extend to any person or organization the title of Honorary member.


Lifetime Membership - No fee 

Voting Member

May be granted to any person who has held full membership for a consecutive period of 25 years, and upon nomination by the Fleet Captain and approval of the Board of Trustees according to such terms and conditions as the Board of Trustees may from time to time designate.

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